Missed the tent sale in person? Shop the deals online!
More deals being added throughout the week
Emmi (DK 25% Cashmere, 75% Merino)
Kersti DK Solids /skein
Lace Cone
Kersti DK Variegated/skein
Kersti DK Variegated - NEW COLOURS
Wrapped in Color: 30 Shawls to Knit
K999's DK Kersti Tent Sale Product (/skein)
AlpacaBamboo Lace weight Yarn
Mystery Blues/Greens KPPPM 5sk pack
Mystery Pinks/Reds/Purples KPPPM 5sk pack
Mystery Neutrals/Yellows KPPPM 5sk pack
Mystery Reds/Purples KPPPM 5sk pack
Masham Milling Ends (~150g)
Cheers 6 mini skein pack (Lincoln Merino DK)